H.U.G.S. Helping Understand Grief Sessions
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H.U.G.S. was designed to encourage young children to express themselves and work through the numerous emotions that accompany the grieving process. H.U.G.S. uses play therapy, art therapy, music, dance, poetry, and various objects to express oneself. The sessions can run consecutively or can be used as stand-alone sessions. Each session is outlined and contains clear step-by-step instructions for the crafts. Templates for photocopying. A Caregiver's page, leader preparation and journal, tips, and common concerns to help the bereaved child. Become a H.U.G.S. facilitator. Christine has trained The District School Board of Niagara (along with supplying each Youth Counsellor with a H.U.G.S. Grief Kit) and The Catholic District School Board of Niagara. Both boards are running H.U.G.S. programs at schools in need. Christine has a repertoire of clients from Hospices to Funeral Homes. The H.U.G.S. training is endorsed by the Association of Trauma and Stress Specialist www.atss.info
Author Christine Dernederlanden C.T.S.S., C.T.R.
Pub: 2004